Cut Our Tax Burden
Kevin earned a reputation as a taxpayer champion in his time as Mayor of Carrollton–cutting the tax rate 6 years in a row by implementing common sense reforms that cut waste and increased transparency in government. Now Kevin is running for County Commissioner to bring those same business best practices to the county and ensure our hard-earned tax dollars are never wasted.
Fight Inflation
As a businessman, Kevin has seen first-hand the devastating effects of rising energy prices and rapid Inflation are having on our economy and hardworking Texans. Kevin will work to support Texas families and small businesses by cutting red tape and excessive taxes to help bring down the cost of living and encourage the growth of our local economy.
Strengthen Public Safety
Keeping our families safe is the number one job for any level of government. As Mayor, Kevin invested in better police training and technology, crime fell 40%. And Carrollton was named among the Safest Cities Nationwide. As our County Commissioner, Kevin will ensure that the Sheriff’s department has the resources it needs to serve all citizens of Denton County. Kevin will also instruct county law enforcement to work with state and federal partners to stem the tide of drug and human trafficking coming across the southern border.
Reduce Traffic
Denton County is one of the fastest growing in the state of Texas. That growth brings opportunity and quality jobs but also strains our infrastructure. As a member of the NCTCOG Regional Transportation Council, Kevin has been a leader in ensuring that transportation providers are working together and planning long term to meet the needs of our communities. Kevin will use his experience as our next commissioner to improve our infrastructure and reduce traffic, so we spend more time with our families and less on the road.
Election Integrity
Free and fair elections are the bedrock that this nation is founded upon. Unfortunately, Kevin has seen first-hand the depths that some people will go to undermine our government. During his 2020 mayoral campaign, his opponent was arrested and charged with over 100 felonies relating to a failed plot to steal seniors’ votes. As our next County Commissioner, Kevin will support policies and technology improvements that make it easier to vote and harder to cheat.